
With American Heart Month right around the corner, one of your most vital organs is in the spotlight once again! While you should keep your heart on your mind all the time, February aims to increase awareness of the problems that surround heart disease as well as other cardiovascular issues.

With that in mind, the American Heart Association has an online heart attack risk assessment you can take to get a preliminary view of your own risk factors.

You can find it here: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartAttack/HeartAttackToolsResources/Heart-Attack-Risk-Assessment_UCM_303944_Article.jsp

If you have any concerns about your risk, or your heart health in general, call our cardiologist, Dr. Devraj Nayak, to see about scheduling an appointment.

(830) 216-2716

Your heart’s health is nothing to shrug off, and we want to help you continue living life to the fullest… for your healthy future.