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Frederick Wade Krause, M.D.

Orthopedic Surgery
Address 495 10th St. Suite 104 Floresville TX 78114 Phone: 830-393-0235 Fax: 830-393-0413
Photo of Frederick Wade Krause M.D.


Photo of Frederick Wade Krause M.D.

Frederick Ryan “Wade” Krause is a board certified orthopaedic surgeon and is fellowship trained in sports medicine. Having grown up in Three Rivers, TX, he is very familiar with South Texas and is glad to be “home”. He and his staff look forward to helping provide orthopaedic care to the people of Wilson County and the entire South Texas region.

It is our goal to safely and effectively treat your musculoskeletal problem to allow you to achieve an active, pain-free lifestyle. This begins with communication. We take pride in listening to patients and want to make sure we completely understand your orthopaedic problem and how it is affecting your life. Once we understand your problem, we work with you to develop a treatment plan that best suits your goals for recovery.

Conditions Dr. Krause treat include:
• Fractures of the upper and lower extremities
• Overuse injuries
• Sports injuries
• Rotator cuff tears
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Trigger finger
• DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis
• Arthritis of the shoulder and knee