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Kirsten Furl, FNP-C

Gastroenterology Clinic
Address 497 10th St. Suite 105 Floresville TX 78114 Phone: 830-393-1363 Fax: 830-393-1366
Photo of Kirsten Furl FNP-C


Photo of Kirsten Furl FNP-C

Kirsten Furl, a Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, graduated with her BSN from UTHSCSA in 2014 and her MSN in 2016.

Kirsten graduated with her BA in English Literature from Baylor University as well as a Master’s in Library Science from UNT.  She previously worked for several years at the Washington State Library before moving home to Texas to pursue her career in nursing.

Originally from Fredericksburg, Kirsten is excited to be a part of the Connally Memorial Medical Center team and loves the community of Wilson County.  Kirsten works in gastroenterology with Dr. Mosaab Hasan.