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Trini J. Garza, M.D.

Family Medicine
Address 497 10th Street, Suite 102 Floresville TX 78114 Phone: 830-393-1400 Fax: 830-393-1633
Photo of Trini J. Garza M.D.


Photo of Trini J. Garza M.D.


Dr. Trini J. Garza is a highly experienced board-certified family medicine physician with a dedicated career spanning 15 years.

Dr. Garza graduated with a Doctor of Medicine Degree from UT Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, TX. He then pursued his residency at the University of Kansas School of Medicine Via Christi in Wichita, KS. Dr. Garza’s academic foundation includes a Bachelor of Science in Biology from UTRGV in Edinburg, TX.

Beyond his medical career, Dr. Garza is known for his commitment to ministry. He serves as a Minister for local United Pentecostal Churches and has extended his ministry work to Paraguay, South America.

In his leisure time, Dr. Garza enjoys quality moments with his family. They maintain an active lifestyle by exercising with their dogs, mountain biking, freshwater fishing, and target shooting.